Blogger Template by Blogcrowds

You may already be aware but just to be sure everyone is, forums and
community websites have notoriously horrible clickthrough rates. To
illustrate this point, I have a website which has about 500,000 to 1
million page views a day sometimes. That’s great right, right? Well, it’s
a forum based site and the clickthrough rate hovers around a dismal
0.3%! As good BlackHatters, it is imperative to understand what the
reasoning for that is and, once we get that, how to bring that number

Now, to deduce what’s happening it doesn’t take a rocket scientist.
The main problem we’re being faced with is that the majority of our
traffic is coming from repeat visitors. They’ve been lurking around on
the site long enough to have become “ad-blinded” to it. So, what can
we do about that?

The logical solution: try using very strategic ad placement techniques
to improve the clickthrough rate. From experience, I can tell you that
the improvements can be nothing less than stunningly significant.


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