Blogger Template by Blogcrowds

The first thing you need to know about indexing your site at search engines
is that you control which pages are indexed and which are excluded. You do
that with a file called robots.txt.

Robots.txt contains nothing more than a record of which robots should index
which pages.

Without going into too much detail, there are two conventions used in a
robots.txt file:

User-agent: [Defines which robots the site is addressing.]
Disallow: [Allows you to list the sites or robots you want to

In general, you’re probably going to use “User-agent: *” to make sure that
you’re addressing the robots of every search engine and you’ll probably want
include all of your pages (although you might want to exclude your
directories: “Disallow: /cgi-bin/”).

Robots.txt just allows you to control which robots index which pages. It’s
important to have in your directory but it won’t really increase your search
engine rankings.

Titles, URL’s and links are much more important.


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